Ecotono: revoluciones silenciosas (Ecotone: Silent Revolutions) is a book edited by Juliana Steiner, documenting and reflecting on her curatorial project Ecotone: Chagras, Payaos, Camellones.
Video clip from Molemo Moiloa's "Becoming Ungovernable." This webinar occurred on March 8, 2024 and was moderated by José Luis Falconi (University of Connecticut).
CHRA’s first publication: Through the Ruins is the first volume in an annual series based on public talks at the intersection of human rights and the arts.
Interview by Nour Annan (HRA '23) with Cooking Sections about their project When [Salmon Salmon [Salmon]] at Common Ground: an international festival on the politics of land and food.
In this short video excerpt from her talk, Palestinian artist and filmmaker Jumana Manna talks about the 'unruly force' that resists destruction, erasure, and ruination.
Nour Annan (HRA '23) interviews Omar Mismar about his exhibition Confiscated Imaginaries, which was partially supported by CHRA through an OSUN faculty grant.
Video clip from a book launch event for "You Have Not Yet Been Defeated", in solidarity with the author and detained Egyptian activist Alaa Abdel Fattah.
Interview by Katie Kheriji-Watts’ (Hyperallergic) with Tania El Khoury (CHRA Director) and Ziad Abu-Rish (MA Program Director) about the creation of CHRA.