Excerpt of filmmaker and activist Sanaa Seif and scholar Omnia Khalil speaking at “You Have Not Yet Been Defeated: Activism and Freedom in Egypt,” a book launch and discussion organized by CHRA in the Spring of 2022. The event marked the U.S. launch of Alaa Abd El-Fattah’s book, You Have Not Yet Been Defeated. The conversation focused on the ongoing incarceration of activists in Egypt, including Alaa Abd El-Fattah, and contextualized this collective experience under the Sisi regime.
Sanaa Seif is an Egyptian filmmaker, producer, and political activist. Imprisoned three times under the Sisi regime, she is currently touring the US promoting the newly published book, You Have Not Yet Been Defeated, by her brother, the political prisoner, Alaa Abd el Fattah. Omnia Khalil is a Ph.D. candidate at CUNY Graduate Center. Her research and writings focus on urban geography, violence, urban redevelopment cross-cutting with anthropology of revolution. She focuses on the urban transformations in the Cairene context in the post-2013 political life.
Excerpt of filmmaker and activist Sanaa Seif and scholar Omnia Khalil speaking at “You Have Not Yet Been Defeated: Activism and Freedom in Egypt,” a book launch and discussion organized by CHRA in the Spring of 2022. The event marked the U.S. launch of Alaa Abd El-Fattah’s book, You Have Not Yet Been Defeated. The conversation focused on the ongoing incarceration of activists in Egypt, including Alaa Abd El-Fattah, and contextualized this collective experience under the Sisi regime.
Sanaa Seif is an Egyptian filmmaker, producer, and political activist. Imprisoned three times under the Sisi regime, she is currently touring the US promoting the newly published book, You Have Not Yet Been Defeated, by her brother, the political prisoner, Alaa Abd el Fattah. Omnia Khalil is a Ph.D. candidate at CUNY Graduate Center. Her research and writings focus on urban geography, violence, urban redevelopment cross-cutting with anthropology of revolution. She focuses on the urban transformations in the Cairene context in the post-2013 political life.