Ecotono: revoluciones silenciosas (Ecotone: Silent Revolutions)

Ecotono: revoluciones silenciosas (Ecotone: Silent Revolutions) is a book edited by Juliana Steiner, documenting and reflecting on her curatorial project Ecotone: Chagras, Payaos, Camellones.

Ecotono: revoluciones silenciosas (Ecotone: Silent Revolutions) is an editorial and research project by Juliana Steiner that compiles the reflections of the curatorial project Ecotone: Chagras, Payaos, Camellones, as part of Common Ground, the 2022–23 edition of the Fisher Center LAB at Bard College. Through diverse voices and territories, different food technologies in Colombia and their uses as alternative means of cultural and environmental conservation are explored. It is a compendium of interdisciplinary and participatory projects and actions that bring together different forms of knowledge, ranging from the visual arts, archaeology, history, architecture, activism, pedagogy, heritage management, and agriculture, all the way to conservation.

Juliana Steiner is an independent curator and researcher from Bogotá who is interested in transdisciplinary practices in contemporary art that incorporate experimental humanities, pedagogy, architecture, and long-term projects with communities. Her research focuses on more-than-human species, environmental justice, and the transformations of landscapes. She curated the Network Project in Colombia, as part of the Common Ground Biennial at Bard, resulting in a program called, “Ecotone: Chagras, Payaos and Camellones.” Juliana Steiner was CHRA’s 2023-2024 resident Fellow.


Ecotono: revoluciones silenciosas (Ecotone: Silent Revolutions)