Adrienne Truscott

Coordinator, MA in Human Rights & the Arts

Adrienne Truscott is Coordinator for the MA program. She is a live artist whose work crosses forms and methodologies from dance, theater, comedy, club acts, and performance art.

Her work has toured internationally for the last 20 years and has been honored by the Bessies, Total Theater Awards, the Doris Duke Foundation, and Foundation for Contemporary Art. Her writing has appeared in several anthologies—Women of Letters, Doing It, Openings (Sophiensaele), and The Guardian among others.

As a guest curator, she has worked with Movement Research and Gibney Center for Dance. She frequently acts as a guest director and mentor for emerging artists, most recently with the Dublin Fringe Festival and Shadow Casters in Croatia. Truscott has taught at Wesleyan University, Barnard College, Bard College, Princeton University, New York University, and Gibney Center for Dance.