Over the 2022–23 winter break, CHRA organized a field trip for MA students to the Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Arts (Mass MoCA), situated on the ancestral homelands of the Muhheaconneok or Mohican people (People of the Waters That Are Never Still) and the Wabanaki peoples. Particular exhibits that students remarked on were those by EJ Hill, Marc Swanson, kellie rae adams, Yto Barrada, Louise Bourgeois, Sol LeWitt, and Murray Hidarya.
Students also attended a screening of Shadows (by Back To Back Theater), which offered an exemplary illustration of what can happen at the intersection of arts practice, activism and human rights, articulated not only in the artistic iteration but throughout the company itself and its practices at every step of development, rehearsal and production. Students responded especially to the work-a-day but majestic scale of the building complex itself, its history, and the literal and curatorial scale of the works within.