
Molemo Moiloa: Becoming Ungovernable


Molemo Moiloa discusses the notion of becoming ungovernable in an effort to tap into our capacities to form new worlds in times of collapse. She shares her interdisciplinary contemporary practice, which centers on land justice and heritage restitution, anchored in South Africa’s histories of resistance and world-building. The talk discusses developing strategies for collective and […]

Brian Lobel: Sex, Cancer, and Other Things My Mother Wishes I Never Had

Fisher Center, Resnick Studio

Sex, Cancer & Other Things My Mother Wishes I Never Had is a talk, performance, analysis and meditation on 20+ years living in a body which had cancer, healed from cancer, remained scarred from cancer, kept being questioned about cancer, worked with cancer, lost colleagues to cancer, a body which made cancer friends, lost cancer […]

Alya Karame: The Qur’an from Ink on Paper to Dust and Ashes

Olin 102

After capturing the city of Mosul in December 2014, the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) burned the university library destroying hundreds of thousands of books and manuscripts. The collections included Qur’ans, one of which was from the ninth century. Like other episodes of our times, this performance reflects a certain engagement with […]