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Turkey and Syria in the Aftermath of Recent Earthquake(s)

Tuesday March 14, 2023, 3:30 pm4:30 pm

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As the destruction continues to unfold, please join us on Tuesday, March 14th, 3:30–4:30pm in Olin 102 for a teach-in to take stock of the earthquake(s) and their devastation in various parts of Turkey and Syria. Panelists will include Ziad Abu-Rish (CHRA & Middle Eastern Studies), Lara Fresko Madra (CHRA), and Pinar Kemerli (Political Studies).

The teach-in topics will include: the nature and scope of the earthquake(s); the differential devastation across various regions and communities; the local, regional, and international dynamics of responding; and the political legacies and fallout surrounding this and past earthquakes. We will also share resources for places to donate and keep up with the relevant news.

This teach-in is supported by the OSUN Center for Human Rights and the Arts, the Human Rights Project, and the Middle Eastern Studies Program.