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Bhenji Ra: Everything at Once: Permaculture, abolition, and trans love

Friday February 11, 2022, 4:00 pm5:30 pm
Virtual Event Virtual Event

How do we exist in complexity and contradiction? Can we mourn and celebrate all at once? In a world focused on binaries, where do we find power on the edges? In this talk, Bhenji speaks to the beauty of everything at once, of finding meaning between practices, bridging bodies and islands of knowledge together in order to expand our potential of living. With a body centred practice, she approaches community with the principles of permaculture, prison abolition and of course, ignited with radical trans love.

Bhenji Ra is a transdisciplinary artist currently working on the stolen land of the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation. Her practice combines dance, choreography, video and installation. She is the mother to the Asia pacific ballroom house, House of Slé and one half of the artist collective, Club Ate.

Moderated by Dr. Omar Al- Ghazzi (Assistant Professor in the Department of Media and Communications at the London School of Economics & Political Science.)