Alarm Phone

Alarm Phone is a network of over 200 activists on both sides of the Mediterranean Sea. Alarm Phone maintains a 24/7 emergency phone hotline for people, mainly traveling by boat, en route to Europe. Alarm Phone fights for safe migration routes, freedom of movement and an end to border violence.

This summer, activists from Alarm Phone performed “We Kindly Ask You to Stop Killing” in front of the European Parliament (Brussels, June 2023) which included the reading 1338 emails they sent to authorities to alert about boats in distress. As part of the collaboration with CHRA, Alarm Phone will build on and elaborate on this work. Over the next year, Alarm Phone will work on a website that explores the group’s creative actions within the framework of the network’s fight against border violence. Through the use of videos, sound, photos, maps, and drawings, Alarm Phone will document & reflect on the durational performance “We kindly request you to stop killing.”  The online documentation and resource will explore the concept, preparation, and execution of this performance/action in one of Europe’s centers of power. It will also give an overview of how Alarm Phone functions on different levels on the ground, and of the impact and the challenges of supporting people on the move.


Lara Dade
Lisa Weber
Leil Zahra Mortada