The Saakhelu is a food exchange ritual carried out by the Nasa people in the department of Cauca. It is celebrated once a year, respecting the cycles of nature, which are indicated by times of rain, sun, and wind. The Saakhelu is the ceremony of awakening the seeds, celebrated at harvest time, and meant to be a ritual to offer food to the earth and to the spirits. In addition, it is the time for the community to summon (Yu´ Luuçx) in order to protect, maintain and perpetuate life.
Ariel Arango Prada and Laura Langa Martinez have been visiting this territory and working with the community for over 7 years. As Entrelazando, they will create a series of graphic works in conjunction with local artists from Popoayán based on the Saakhelu ritual. Commissioned work is based on travels to Cauca, during the Saakelu ceremony in the Fall of 2022.